Zóra - Beautiful Confusion

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PreviousMay 2032


Beautiful Confusion could also be the title of the intense story of ZÓRA's sudden emergence on the music scene. Born in California and still a part-time resident of the United States, the Hungarian artist Zóra Urbányi caused quite a sensation in 2021 with her arrangement of László Kollár-Klemencz's song Iszom a bort (‘I Drink the Wine'), which was followed by a cascade of her own compositions. Her evocative performance style is distinguished by both sensuality and passion, with avant-pop, alternative and cinematic soundscapes all appearing in her deeply emotional songs. As the introduction to an interview conducted after one of her successful concerts put it: "The audience took Zóra so deeply into their hearts that it has been a challenge to obtain tickets for her performances ever since.” So you had better hurry!

Program and cast

vocals, piano


Palace of Arts Müpa Budapest

When Müpa Budapest, Hungary and its capital's new cultural hub, opened in 2005, it was built to represent more than 100 years of Hungarian cultural history. As a conglomeration of cultural venues, the building has no precedent in 20th century Hungarian architecture and has no peers in the whole of Central Europe.

The creators of this ambitious project, the Trigránit Development Corporation, prime contractor Arcadom Construction and the Zoboki, Demeter and Partners Architectural Office, were driven by the desire to create a new European cultural citadel as part of the new Millennium City Centre complex along the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Danube waterfront. The result is a facility whose construction quality, appearance, functionality and 21st century technological infrastructure makes it ideally suited to productions of the highest standard. The building is also highly versatile and equipped to host performances of any genre and almost any scale.

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