Classic Concerts in Rome

Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Sala Umberto Theater
Tu 10 Sep 2024, 20:30 - Sa 14 Sep 2024, 20:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - All Saints' Anglican Church Rome
We 11 Sep 2024, 20:30 - Fr 24 Jan 2025, 20:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Methodist Church of Ponte Sant´Angelo
We 11 Sep 2024, 20:30 - We 18 Dec 2024, 20:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - All Saints' Anglican Church Rome
Fr 13 Sep 2024, 20:30 - Sa 25 Jan 2025, 20:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Chiesa Evangelica Metodista
Sa 14 Sep 2024, 20:30 - 22:00 - Sa 14 Dec 2024, 20:30 - 22:00
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Palazzo Poli - Sala Dante
Fr 20 Sep 2024, 20:30 - 22:00 - Sa 07 Dec 2024, 20:30 - 22:00
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - St. Paul’s within the Walls Church
Su 06 Oct 2024, 20:30 - Su 06 Oct 2024, 20:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Salone dei Piceni
Th 10 Oct 2024, 20:30-22:00 - Th 31 Oct 2024, 20:30-22:00
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - St. Paul’s within the Walls Church
Su 27 Oct 2024, 20:30 - Su 27 Oct 2024, 20:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Methodist Church of Ponte Sant´Angelo
We 25 Dec 2024, 19:30 - We 25 Dec 2024, 19:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - St. Paul’s within the Walls Church
Tu 31 Dec 2024, 20:00 - We 01 Jan 2025, 18:00
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Methodist Church of Ponte Sant´Angelo
Tu 31 Dec 2024, 19:30 - Tu 31 Dec 2024, 19:30
Classic Concerts in Rome
Rome - Methodist Church of Ponte Sant´Angelo
We 01 Jan 2025, 19:30 - We 01 Jan 2025, 19:30