Alfredo Rodriguez, Coral Way

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PreviousApril 2033


After moving to Miami in 2019, Alfredo Rodriguez realized that there were far too few collaborations and intersections between traditional Latin music and Latin jazz. Coral Way serves as a connective tissue between these worlds—an artistic proposal aimed at highlighting the diversity of the Latin community, so that it feels seen, heard, and proud of its history, thus forming a large community made up of many individuals. Alfredo Rodriguez explains: “I play what I live, and Coral Way is my new life. It’s the name of the street where, for 3 years, I composed this album. I’m thrilled that people around the world can finally listen to it.” Born and raised in Havana, Cuba, Alfredo Rodriguez’s life hasn’t always been straightforward due to the many restrictions imposed by his country. Enrolled by his parents in a classical conservatory, his first teacher quickly dismissed him, claiming he had no talent. This didn’t stop him from developing his love for the instrument to the point that, lacking a piano at home, he painted the 88 keys on his parents' table to practice his scales. In 2006, at just 19 years old, he received an invitation to represent Cuba at the Montreux Jazz Festival in the international solo piano competition. After an excellent audition in the “composer” category, he was accepted and traveled to Switzerland, where he was invited to Claude Nobs' chalet, the festival's founder, to entertain his guests, including the legendary producer Quincy Jones. Since Cubans were not allowed to work in the United States at that time, the only way for Alfredo Rodriguez to fully embrace the career that awaited him was to renounce his Cuban citizenship, thus jeopardizing his ability to return home. After a year and a half of reflection, Alfredo Rodriguez made the difficult decision to leave his family for a country that would allow him to share his music with the greatest number of people. A decision that proved worthwhile not only because he has already performed on the world’s most prestigious stages, such as the Playboy Jazz Festival, North Sea Jazz Festival, Jazz in Marciac, Umbria Jazz, and Jazz à Vienne, but also because he was nominated for a Grammy Award in the “Best Instrumental Arrangement” category for the song “Guantanamera” from his album The Invasion Parade. During his first tour in China, he was even offered the opportunity to work with Tan Dun, Siedah Garrett, and Quincy Jones to compose the English version of the song for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. Alfredo Rodriguez thus became the first non-Chinese artist to receive this honor. Over the years, he has garnered praise from the international press and has even performed as part of NPR Music's famous Tiny Desk Concerts. Alfredo Rodriguez continues to share his music with a powerful message of perseverance and interculturalism, whether in the context of his international tours or in his viral social media videos, where he can be seen playing standards with a Cuban timba twist.

Program and cast

Alfredo Rodriguez – piano
Michael Olivera – drums
Yarel Hernandez – bass

Salle Gaveau

The Salle Gaveau, named after the French piano maker Gaveau, is a classical concert hall in Paris, located at 45-47 rue La Boétie, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. It is particularly intended for chamber music.



The plans for the hall were drawn up by Jacques Hermant in 1905, the year the land was acquired. The construction of the Gaveau building took place from 1906 to 1907. The vocation of this hall was chamber music from the beginning, and its seating capacity was a thousand, just as it is today. The hall was home to a large organ built in 1900 by the Cavaillé-Coll|Mutin-Cavaillé-Coll firm. This instrument with 39 stops (8 on the positive, 12 on the recitative, 12 on the grand organ and 7 on the pedal) was subsequently installed in 1957 in the commune of Saint-Saëns in Normandy. The hall is a concert venue renowned for its exceptional acoustics.


The room

In some 110 years, the Salle Gaveau has established itself in the Parisian musical landscape as an essential music venue. Find out the important dates of this hall full of history which has hosted the greatest pianists of the 20th century.


1905 - 1907


The land on which the Gaveau building is built was acquired in 1905. The plans for the hall were drawn up with particular attention to acoustics at the end of 1905 by the architect Jacques Hermant . The building was built in 1906-1907 and the Gaveau hall was immediately the prestigious hall in Paris. Its main purpose has always been piano and chamber music but orchestras were often heard there. The number of seats has changed slightly over time to around 1000 seats . The current number is 1020.


1907 - 1908


The Salle Gaveau opened its doors for the 1907-1908 season. The first concert was given on October 3, 1907 by the Bremer Lehrergesangverein . It was a vocal concert given with 140 performers. Thus, despite its average dimensions, the Salle Gaveau was not afraid to welcome large groups and it can be noted that from this season onwards, it hosted the Lamoureux concerts which gave concerts there under the direction of Camille Chevillard , Vincent D'Indy , and André Messager .
The 1907-1908 season was very brilliant in the field of chamber music. Cortot, Thibaud and Casals performed the complete Beethoven trios and trio variations there on November 5, 8 and 12. Eugène Ysaye gave a recital there on January 21, 1908. Marguerite Long performed there on December 11, 1911.




In the field of chamber music , some superb concerts in 1912: Enesco on February 8 with the pianist Eugène Wagner. Fritz Kreisler on April 21 and 28, Wilhelm Backaus on May 15, Cortot, Thibaud and Casals on May 24 and 31.


1933 - 1934


The war did not interrupt the artistic activity of the Salle Gaveau but the hall was used for galas given for the benefit of soldiers or victims of the war.
After the war the hall had a very brilliant period with the Lamoureux and Pasdeloup concerts . Great conductors conducted there: Charles Munch on October 28, 1933.
The great pianist Rudolph Serkin performed on December 2, 1933. Wanda Landowska gave a recital on a Pleyel harpsichord on November 7, 1933. Yves Nat performed Beethoven's sonatas in 1934.


1939 - 1944


During the Second World War, the hall rediscovered its vocation to host galas.
Berthe Bovy recited fables by La Fontaine .
During the occupation, great soloists were heard: Paul Tortelier, Pierre Fournier, Raymond Trouard, Jacques Fevrier . From 1944, Samson François performed regularly. Germaine Lubin sang melodies accompanied on the piano by Reynaldo Hahn .




Only the bankruptcy of the Gaveau house, which occurred in 1963, came to shake its sustainability...
The building, partly resold to an insurance company, soon lost its splendor. Under pressure from land, the hall escaped in extremis the threat of a parking lot thanks to the saving energy of Chantal and Jean-Marie Fournier , a couple of passionate musicians, who acquired it in 1976 and have kept it alive for 25 years.




Listed in the inventory in 1982, classified in 1992 in the wake, Gaveau was saved from the worst but in pitiful condition. "Everything was very tired and we were beginning to fear that a seat would give way in the middle of a performance", testify the masters on board who sounded the alarm in order to obtain subsidies for the restoration.
The work, conducted under the direction of the chief architect of historic monuments, Alain Charles Perrot (already officiating on the Paris Opera), aims to restore listening comfort without affecting the unique sound of the hall, the secret of its success.




If the sound remains, the tone changes: "The spectators will be very surprised to discover the original stripping and sobriety of this modern room ahead of its time", explains Alain Charles Perrot. The architect has tried to rediscover the strict gray with gold accents of the historical decor, and the originality of the lighting, its bare bulbs "like pearls on the ceiling". Reconstructed identically , the armchairs with metal legs and wooden frames reconnect with the original buttercup yellow.
Restored to its truth, Gaveau is banking on increased attractiveness to seduce a new audience, including companies in the "golden triangle" for private parties. The future of this high-end room is based on a healthy complementarity of activities, always with music shared. The room reopens its doors on January 8, 2001. A reopening concert is then a landmark, with the great Roberto Alagna
on the bill .

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