Julia Lezhneva and Max Emanuel Cencic

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PreviousFebruary 2041


10th Anniversary: ​​Pergolesi's Stabat Mater

The Italian 18th century was entirely focused on the vocal exploits of the great stars of singing, both female and male voices, from the sopranos Bordoni and Cuzzoni to the castratos Farinelli and Carestini. As much as their absolute virtuosity (the arias of the Baroque period are among the most difficult in the lyrical repertoire), these mythical figures also fascinated with a fabulous art of cantabile. The pages born from the pen of Handel, Vivaldi or Porpora attest to this bel canto that Rossini venerated and took as a model.
But a whole section of Baroque music, notably religious, favored a simplicity that was the ultimate expression of refinement:  Pergolesi's Stabat Mater  is the most famous example, which another 19th century composer, Bellini, idolized and which he described as a "sublime poem of pain."
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of Les Accents, Thibault Noally offers us a captivating exploration of a music of which he is a passionate expert. The French ensemble surrounds Julia Lezhneva and Max Emanuel Cenčić, two prestigious guests in every way worthy of the great voices of the past.

Program and cast


Giovanni Battista Pergolesi:
Stabat Mater

Hasse, Handel:
Airs and duets



Julia Lezhneva , soprano

Max Emanuel Cenčić , countertenor

The Accents

Thibault Noally , violin & direction