Les Arts Florissants

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PreviousMarch 2028


Les Arts Florissants tends to be associated with Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Bach and Rameau, but the ensemble also plays Beethoven, including works that paved the way for the great Romantic and post-Romantic conductors, such as his Symphony No. 6.

Program and cast

October 8, 2024
Duration: approximately 2h00 including 1 intermission


Les Arts Florissants
Paul Agnew, conductor
Théotime Langlois de Swarte, violin


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Overture to The Marriage of Figaro
Violin Concerto No. 3




Ludwig van Beethoven
Symphony No. 6 "Pastoral"



November 1, 2024
Duration: approximately 1h45 including 1 intermission


Les Arts Florissants
William Christie, conductor
Sonya Yoncheva, soprano


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Overture to La Finta giardiniera, KV.196
Christoph Willibald Gluck
Alceste: Alceste's Air "Divinités du Styx"
Orfeo ed Euridice, Ballet of the Happy Shadows
Antonio Sacchini
Œdipe à Colone - Antigone "Dieux ce n’est pas pour moi" (III,1)
Luigi Cherubini
Médée "Vous voyez de vos fils la mère infortunée"
Christoph Willibald Gluck
Dance of the Furies
(excerpt from Orfeo ed Euridice)
Iphigénie en Tauride "Oh malheureuse Iphigénie"
Niccolò Piccinni
Didon (Act III, scene 1) "Non, ce n’est plus pour moi"




Louis-Claude-Armand Chardin
"C'est mon ami"
Arrangement for string accompaniment
Johann Paul Aegidius Martini
Plaisir d’amour, romance
orchestration by Hector Berlioz
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Excerpt from the Ballet of Idomeneo - Larghetto for Madame Hartig
Luigi Cherubini
Demophoon "Ah! Peut-être mes dieux!"
Christoph Willibald Gluck
Armide, Chaconne
Armide: Armide's Air "Ah! Si la liberté me doit être ravie"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Excerpt from the Ballet of Idomeneo - Passacaille for Monsieur Antoine
Excerpt from La Clemenza di Tito KV 621 (Act II, 15) - "Ecco il punto, o Vitellia! ... Non più di fiori"



March 5, 2025
Duration: approximately 1h45 including 1 intermission


Les Arts Florissants
William Christie, conductor
Mélissa Petit, soprano
Beth Taylor, alto
Bastien Rimondi, tenor
Andreas Wolf, bass


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Litaniae Lauretanae




Joseph Haydn



April 30, 2025
Duration: approximately 2h45 including 1 intermission


Les Arts Florissants
Paul Agnew, conductor
Ana Vieira Leite, Mary Magdalene
Julie Roset, an angel
Lucile Richardot, Mary, wife of Cleophas
Cyril Auvity, Saint John the Apostle
Christopher Purves, Lucifer


Georg Friedrich Handel
The Resurrection
Part 1




The Resurrection
Part 2

Philharmonie de Paris

Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

The Grande salle Pierre Boulez (Symphonic Hall) boasts innovations in architecture, stage design and acoustical engineering. Thanks to a modular design, its capacity increases from 2400 people in the symphonic configuration to 3600 when the parterre is converted into a standing room area.

All five levels of the Grande salle Pierre Boulez are accessed via the entrance on Level 3 of Philharmonie, which can be reached via stairways, escalators and two lifts, with direct access from the Porte de Pantin plaza and the Philharmonie parking facility.

From the entrance, stairways and lifts inside the hall take visitors to the various levels.

The Grande Salle Pierre Boulez has thirty designated seats for people with reduced mobility.

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