Hungarian Gastro Cellar
Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa | Su |
We believe that a nation can be truly known through its cuisine. A culture is characterized by its gastronomy just as much as by its musical works, literary works or fine art. There is a story behind every single food and drink offered here - all of them are about Hungary. About how we live and enjoy life.
As a dedicated supporter of Hungarian gastronomy, our restaurant awaits its guests with authentic and mouth-watering dishes so that they can experience Hungary's culinary heritage.
At our tasting program presenting Hungarian drinks, participants can discover the rich selection of our country's drinks, which ranges from pálinkas to wines and craft beers.
Opening hours
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Sunday 14:00-23:00
Friday | Saturday 14:00 -24:00
Hungarian Gastro Cellar, H- 1061 Budapest, Király street 20.