Sondra Radvanovsky and Piotr Beczała - Concert

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PreviousJanuary 2025


Symphonic Cycle of the Orchestra of the Gran Teatre del Liceu


To celebrate the genius of Puccini, the Liceu summons two of the most beloved voices by its audience.


Giacomo Puccini, whom we will commemorate in 2024 on the centenary of his death, is one of the last gems of traditional Italian opera. His works are objects of fascination worldwide and have moved generations of music lovers. His seemingly simple yet moving language makes Manon, Turandot, La bohème, Tosca, or Madama Butterfly unforgettable.


To celebrate the composer's genius, the Liceu summons two of the most beloved voices by its audience: Sondra Radvanovsky and Piotr Beczała. In two extraordinary evenings, the most charismatic arias and scenes from Puccini's lyrical catalog will be offered. The perfect occasion to pay homage to the composer who best translated the emotions of the characters, but also to revisit the gallery of strong women who suffer great tragedies on stage and the collection of men who represent the triggers of the action.


A compendium of human emotional states that bring us the seed of despair.


Puccini, as a sonic paradise, could not find better ambassadors to evoke the tragic dimension that surpasses literalness, thus becoming a proposal that carries universal themes speaking of elements inherent to the human condition such as life, love, desire, and death itself. Returning to Puccini is to understand that he is a modern ideal of opera that opened a new universe of expressions.


Radvanovsky and Beczała, with their unforgettable voices, will offer on the stage of the Gran Teatre del Liceu attitudes, emotions, and feelings in this memorable Puccini festival.

Program and cast

Approximate duration: 2h

Artistic team


CONDUCTOR: Keri-Lynn Wilson


Soprano: Sondra Radvanovsky

Tenor: Piotr Beczała

Gran Teatre del Liceu

Barcelona's opera house, the Gran Teatre del Liceu, was founded on the Rambla in 1847 and has continued over the years to fulfil its role as a culture and arts centre and one of the symbols of the city.

Today it is publicly-owned (by the Government of Catalonia, Barcelona City Council, Barcelona Provincial Council and the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte) and administered by the Fundació del Gran Teatre del Liceu which, in addition to the aforementioned bodies, incorporates the Patronage Council and the Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu (the old society of owners).

Origins: From 1837 to 1847

The Liceu evolved out of the Sociedad Dramática de Aficionados (Society of theatre-lovers) set up in 1837 at the instigation of Manuel Gibert in the former convent of Montsió by members of the National Militia, an organization of armed citizens with liberal leanings.
Barcelona's economy and population were growing fast at the time and the city needed a music conservatory. This led to the conversion of the Sociedad Dramática into the Liceo Filármonico Dramático Barcelonés de S.M. la Reina Isabel II (Barcelona Dramatic and Philharmonic Lyceum of HM Queen Isabel II).  In addition to its theatrical activities, the new organization cultivated Italian-style singing and music.

The building on the Rambla

The original building was solemnly opened on 4 April 1847. The plans had been drawn up by Miquel Garriga i Roca, subsequently assisted by Josep Oriol Mestres. The project was funded by selling shares, which meant that many of the boxes and seats were to be privately owned. The shareholders formed the Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu, known as the “Societat de Propietaris” (Society of Owners),  which was in sole charge of running the Gran Teatre del Liceu from 1855 onwards, after it was legally separated from the Conservatori del Gran Teatre del Liceu.
The theatre was operated by impresarios who were given a concession to stage a specific number of productions in exchange for the proceeds from the sale of tickets not reserved for the Societat itself. This system was to endure until 1980.

The creation of the Consortium

By the last quarter of the 20th century this management system was no longer viable. In 1980, to avert the danger of the disappearance of an institution of such worldwide cultural renown, the Generalitat  Catalonia's first government in modern times – set up a consortium, the Consorci del Gran Teatre del Liceu, which also incorporated Barcelona City Council and the Societat del Gran Teatre del Liceu. Barcelona Provincial Council joined the Consortium in 1985, followed by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1986. From then on the Consortium took over operation of the theatre.

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